Dawn of the Light

Dawn of the Light: een beeld van individuen uit verschillende continenten die op zoek zijn naar waarheid en betekenis.


Bezoek ook: Bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb - bicentenary.bahai.org/the-bab - overzicht van de wereldwijde activiteiten rond de 200ste viering van de geboortedag van de Báb.

Ga terug naar: Homepage of Geschiedenis in vogelvlucht




© Bahá’í World Centre, 2019. Subject to the following restrictions this film may be freely reproduced in whole or in part without the need to obtain special permission: 1) The Bahá’í World Centre retains full copyright protection for this film; 2) You acquire no rights to or license over the content other than the limited right to use the film in accordance with these terms; 3) You may reproduce, copy, distribute, publish, or display the film in whole or in part for any non-commercial use [for Bahá’í communities only],but you cannot modify, edit, create derivative works from it or use it in any manner inconsistent with its original intent; 4) This copyright notice must always be attached to any reproduction of this work.